OCPL has added a database of resources for test preparation, college and career planning, and related needs. It is the Gale Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC), and it replaces Learning Express. You can get to it through one of…
Child and Teen Program Procedure
Technology Use Policies and Agreement
Policies for Maxwell’s circulating portable devices
Photos and recordings in the Library
Maxwell Bylaws
Amended and accepted in January 2018
Computer, Wi-Fi, and Internet
Approved January 22, 2018
Room Reservation & Use
Adopted August 2011
Exhibits, Notices, Sales & Fundraising
Adopted July 17, 2017
Patron Code of Conduct
Maxwell Memorial Library is a public institution that wants to ensure all library patrons and staff feel welcome, safe, and respected while using the library. Toward this end, the library Board of Trustees has established its Code of Conduct. Maxwell…
Unattended Children Policy
Adopted March 21, 2016