Fan fiction is stories written by fans of a work/author/… that is set in a universe established by the work/author/… or that makes use of characters or settings from the original(s). It is usually written by amateurs, but there may be reasons to consider reading some of it.
Tuesday Crafternoons:
Give Thanks Utensil Holder
Week of Tuesday, November 24
Call the library to reserve a kit
For children ages 3 to 10
Call the library to reserve a kit
For children ages 3 to 10
We will be closed the evening of Wednesday, November 25 and all day on Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27.
Financial Literacy for Teens:
Understanding Borrowing
Tuesday, November 24
3:00 to 3:45 PM
For students ages 13 to 18
Registration required
3:00 to 3:45 PM
For students ages 13 to 18
Registration required
Tuesday Crafternoons:
Grab and Go Paper Plate Turkey Craft
Week of Tuesday, November 17
Call the library to reserve a kit
For children ages 3 to 10
Call the library to reserve a kit
For children ages 3 to 10
Max Packs:
Grab and Go Kits for Adults
November’s theme is Thankfulness.
Available the week of November 16, while supplies last.
Available the week of November 16, while supplies last.
National Take a Hike Day
Tuesday, November 17
12:00 to 1:00 PM
Meet at Sims’ Store
12:00 to 1:00 PM
Meet at Sims’ Store
Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, November 16
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Via Zoom
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Via Zoom
Tree of Gift Cards Drawing
Enter to win a tree full of gift cards, valued over $450!
What Should I Read Next?:
Using the NoveList Database
Want some help finding books or authors you haven’t yet read but that you might enjoy? NoveList is one tool you could use to help accomplish that.