Kids Cake Pan Kit V Monday, August 3 Registration begins Wednesday, July 29 Continue reading “Kids Cake Pan Kit V”…
Returned Items to be Quarantined for 4 days Unfortunately, some library materials can harbor SARS-CoV-2 for 4 days (96 hours), so we are now going to have to quarantine returns for 4 days. Continue reading “Returned Items to be Quarantined for 4 days ”…
Kids Cake Pan Kit IV Monday, July 27 Registration begins Wednesday, July 22 Continue reading “Kids Cake Pan Kit IV”…
Summer reading coloring contest Pick up a coloring page from the library and color it. Continue reading “Summer reading coloring contest”…
Maxwell’s Got Talent Thursdays All ages Send us a video to show off your talents. Continue reading “Maxwell’s Got Talent”…
Wild Wednesday: End of Summer Party Wednesday, August 12 Join us for the end of Summer Reading Drive Thru Party to celebrate the past two months of fun and library activities. Continue reading “Wild Wednesday: End of Summer Party”…
Grab and Go Kids Craft: 3 Little Pigs Craft Tuesday, July 28 This week’s craft is a 3 Little Pigs craft: Recreate the story of the 3 Little Pigs using toilet paper tubes! Continue reading “Grab and Go Kids Craft: 3 Little Pigs Craft”…
Kids Cake Pan Kit III Monday, July 20 Registration begins Wednesday, July 15 Continue reading “Kids Cake Pan Kit III”…
July/August Desk List The July/August Desk List is now available! Continue reading “July/August Desk List”…
Grab and Go Kids Craft: Unicorn Craft Tuesday, July 21 This week’s craft is a unicorn craft: Transform a heart shaped piece of paper into a unicorn! Continue reading “Grab and Go Kids Craft: Unicorn Craft”…