With absentee voting for all being offered, Rena reached out to the Board of Elections to find out whether requesting an absentee ballot committed you to voting absentee. Allison M. Wright sent us the following reply: You are not committed.…
Math/Statistics/Epidemiology Lesson
From FiveThirtyEight, A Comic Strip Tour of the Wild World of Pandemic Modeling by Zach Weinersmith, Maggie Koerth, Laura Bronner, and Jasmine Mithani It’s a long read, but it explains why some of the numbers we’re hearing for COVID-19 seem…
Information Overload?
The American Association for the Advancement of Science reminds us that having a certain critical control over our information sources (as opposed to those 2 opposite extremes of opting in to every push-source or opting out of everything) is essential…
From the Internet Archive:
Announcing the National Emergency Library, a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed.
General links
The Thrall Public Library in Middletown, N.Y. is maintaining a page with links relevant to COVID-19 at https://www.thrall.org/corona/
Online Security
The FBI is reminding us that various scammers are preying on people online during the crisis. Their release talks about extra vigilence with respect to some of the garden variety scams one sees every day like phishing and spoofed email…
Cut to the Chase: Direct Links to eBooks
Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla will continue to be available for borrowing items during this time. Additionally, OCPL has other eBook collections available for the next few months. To see what’s available go to https://www.onlib.org/find/e-books-and-more and scroll down.
Chemistry Lessons
The Reactions YouTube channel of the American Chemical Society has several short (mostly in the 4–10 minute range) videos about chemistry that start from questions like “What if humans could photosynthesize?” or “Why is pizza so delicious?” The latest asks…
SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 Information & Links
This is the first Maxwell post in the category Covid-19. The category is for posts during the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic related to the virus, the syndrome, to Sheltering at Home, and so on. The idea is that even while the library’s…
OCPL’s E-Books and More page
This collection is, of course, where to find links to Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla — our long-term providers of eBooks, eMagazines, and eMedia. It also has links to the other services we subscribe to and to some that we have temporary…