Computer Fixes You Can Do Yourself Maxwell’s Tech Program for Thursday, October 12, 2017 As the flowchart in the cartoon hints at, a big part of what separates the “computer geniuses” from “not computer people” is a level of comfort…
Buying a Mobile Device
Maxwell’s Tech Program for Thursday, September 28, 2017 Things to look for in shopping for devices Handout (PDF)
Dr. Google Will See You Now
Finding Reliable Health Information on the Web Maxwell’s Tech Program for Thursday, August 24, 2017 It’s easy to find health “information” on the Internet. But which results are from reliable organizations? Even if a source is reliable, what facts are…
I’ve Come to Look for America
Using Digital Libraries on the Internet to Explore American Culture Maxwell’s Tech Program for Thursday, July 27, 2017 In the 1960s we hopped on our motorcycles and rode from town to town, following hints and rumors that promised interesting information…
Exhibits, Notices, Sales & Fundraising
Adopted July 17, 2017
The Sky’s the Limit
Understanding and Using the Cloud Maxwell’s Tech Program for Tuesday, June 20, 2017 In general, the Cloud refers to computer resources that are located on a network rather than on your own machine. In the media, the concept often gets…
Staying safe online
Maxwell’s Tech Program for Tuesday, May 16, 2017 There are two aspects to online safety: security and privacy. There is overlap between the two, but security refers to the steps you can undertake to keep your machine, your data, and…
Patron Code of Conduct
Maxwell Memorial Library is a public institution that wants to ensure all library patrons and staff feel welcome, safe, and respected while using the library. Toward this end, the library Board of Trustees has established its Code of Conduct. Maxwell…
Facebook for Beginners
Maxwell’s Tech Program for Tuesday, April 18, 2017 How to sign up for and tweak Facebook Handout (PDF)
Digital Library Basics
Maxwell’s Tech Program for Tuesday, March 21, 2017 eBooks & eMedia available at Maxwell Handout (PDF) Extended handout (PDF) Links for getting started with Overdrive General help Directions for Android Directions for iOS (iPhone, iPad, and so on) Help with…