July Art Exhibit

Camillus Senior Center Art Show
June 28 through July 31

Camillus Senior Center Art Show

June 28 through July 31

In the many years Christine Patsos has been teaching art at the Camillus Senior Center she has seen students develop their skills, learn new techniques, and evolve their art. This exhibit proudly displays the artistry of her senior students. Some have come as true beginners, others with varied art backgrounds. The public is invited to see a lovely selection of the students’ drawings and paintings, as well as some of Christine’s own work, on display in the Community Room of Maxwell Library.

The opening reception on July 10 is free and open to the public, and provides an excellent opportunity for you to meet the students and their instructor, and perhaps to embark on your own personal study of art.

Image credits:
Aqueduct Over Nine-Mile Creek
Watercolor by Christine Patsos