How the Penguins Saved Veronica
Tuesday, August 1
6:00 to 7:00 PM
Registration required

This month’s book is How the Penguins Saved Veronica, by Hazel Prior. You can read more about the selection at Kirkus.
Maxwell’s Second Look Book Club is for people who want to read beyond the bestseller lists. Maybe there’s a book that you never thought you’d like, but someone else loved. Maybe it’s a book in a genre you don’t usually pick. Maybe it’s even an old childhood or teenage favorite that you’d like to read again from an adult’s perspective. With recommendations from others in the group, a varied reading list should promote fun, thoughtful, and even surprising discussions on the selections.
The library will have several copies of each selection available for checkout on your library card. Many selections will also be available in audio or in digital format. Registration is required. Register for each meeting you are interested in separately.