OverDrive & Libby

OverDrive is OCPL’s major catalog for ebooks and audiobooks, but it offers music and some movies as well. All you need to check out items is your OCPL library card and PIN. You also have access to popular titles available only to Maxwell patrons through OverDrive Advantage. You can download most titles to most smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Libby is the next generation OverDrive app. Install it using your platform’s usual source for apps. You can get more information at OverDrive’s site.
You can access material through OCPL’s general catalog. To limit your search to just OverDrive material, visit OCPL’s OverDrive collection.
Hoopla Digital allows you to stream movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, and now ebooks, comics, and graphic novels for free with your Maxwell library card. You may check out up to six titles a month. Hoopla works on your computer and most mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.
To get the app, visit the app source appropriate for your device or go to the Hoopla website.
For More Help With eReaders…
Printed instructions are available for at the library, or you can print them at home using the links below:
OverDrive instructions here
Hoopla instructions here
Call the library at 315–672–3661 to schedule a help session with Pete or Rena.
Circulating eReaders and Tablets
Maxwell owns five portable devices that you may borrow: two Kindle Fire HD tablets, one Samsung Galaxy tablet, one Kindle ereader and one Barnes & Noble Nook ereader. They are available to check out from the library for a 3-week period.
Read from the library’s ebook collection or use the Fire or Galaxy to check out ebooks and audiobooks on your own account through OverDrive or download movies on your Hoopla account. You can also use them to access the internet or check your email and social media.
To check out a device, you will need to present your own valid library card and a picture ID (such as a driver’s license or state ID) each time. Your account must not have fines above $5.00 or other blocks.
Children age 14 and older may use their own library card with a parent’s photo ID (the parent must be present). Children in elementary and middle school can use an ereader with a parent’s card and ID and with the parent present.