These free virtual family entertainment programs will run July 1 through August 12, from 6 to 7 PM. Return of the Ice Sorceress Wednesday, July 86:00 to 7:00 PMOnline ScienceTellers bring Science to action! A performer will act out a…
Wild Wednesday: MOST Virtual Science Show
These free virtual family entertainment programs will run July 1 through August 12, from 6 to 7 PM. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Wednesday, July 16:00 to 7:00 PMOnline You might remember when the Evil Queen asks the Magic Mirror:…
Maxwell’s Curbside Service
On June 15 Maxwell reopened with Curbside Service. To check material out, you can place holds in the OCPL catalog or you can call us and ask us to grab something from the shelf or place a hold. Items you’ve…
Ancestry Library Edition
During the time we (and all of OCPL) were closed, ProQuest had made it possible for patrons to access the Ancestry Library database from home (normally it’s only available when connecting from a library). They have now told us that…
West Genesee Required Reading books 2020
We have all of the books available to check out both in print and ebooks.
Maxwell’s June Newsletter
Maxwell’s June Newsletter
June Board Meeting
The Board’s monthly meeting will be at 6 PM on Monday, June 15. It will take place on Zoom, so if you would like to attend, send an email to Alyssa to get a Zoom invitation. The agenda is now…
Onondaga County Executive Briefings
To see press releases, news, and emergency notifications from the county executive, visit the County’s Communication Announcements page.
Summer Reading
This year’s theme is Imagine Your Story.
How Do We Address the Climate Emergency?
Thursday, June 18, 7:00 to 8:30 PMPostponed. New date TBA Online Free Registration required You can attend this important discussion from the comfort of your own home via Zoom! We are pleased to be able to reschedule it from its…