BPL Employment Connection Series
Jacquie Owens — Baldwinsville Public Library’s adult services librarian — has put together a series of tutorials on some basic computer skills and tasks.
LinkedIn Learning

OCPL has a subscription to LinkedIn Learning, an extensive collection of award-winning online courses and video tutorials to help you learn business, technical and creative skills. Achieve your personal and professional goals. Courses are taught by recognized industry experts. Learn what you want, when you want, from our entire library. Build custom playlists to organize courses you want to watch. Watch courses on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Switch back and forth without ever losing your place.
You can use LinkedIn Learning from within a web browser, or you can click here to find instructions for getting the app and setting it up.
Job Search Sites

- Syracuse.com
- SyracuseHelpWanted
- Careerbuilder
- Indeed
- Ladders
- Monster
- Listings of jobs with the federal government at USAJOBS
- Listings of jobs with the state government at New York Job Source
Local Job Assistance Agencies