Tree of Gift Cards Fundraiser

November 21 to December 15
Drawing for winners: Friday, December 15 at 5 PM

November 21 to December 15
Drawing for winners: Friday, December 15 at 5 PM

It’s time for the Tree of Gift Cards, our holiday fundraiser! There are three small Christmas trees on top of the book sale shelves behind the circulation desk. Each tree has gift cards from local businesses associated with them. The actual gift cards are not attached, but there is a list of what prizes folks can win next to each tree. Each tree has gifts worth over $400!

Tickets are on sale November 21 through December 15. Folks can buy 1 ticket for $5 or 5 tickets for $20, cash or checks payable to Maxwell Memorial Library, for chances to win one of the three sets of gift cards. Tickets can be purchased at the front desk. This is a great way to support your Library as well as the many generous small businesses in our community! Thank you, and good luck!